
免费电子书 | China’s 40 Years of Reform and Development: 1978–2018

Ross Garnaut 等 三农学术 2022-12-31

本书主编:Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song , Cai Fang;这是澳大利亚国立大学出的中国研究系列的一本,全书五大块,包括前言在内共31章,作者中很多是相关领域的大牛,其中农业发展章节作者是Jikun Huang、Scott Rozelle,土地章节作者是刘守英,农民工章节有Xin Meng。

  1. 40 years of China’s reform and development: How reform captured China’s demographic dividend  – Cai Fang, Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song 

    Part I: The Chinese economic transformation

  2. 40 years of Chinese economic reform and development and the challenge of 50  – Ross Garnaut 

  3. Reflections on 40 years of China’s reforms – Bert Hofman 

  4. GDP and the new concept of development: Understanding China’s changing concept of development in regards to GDP after the reform and opening-up – Wei Liu 

  5. The political economy causes of China’s economic success  – Yang Yao 

  6. China’s economic transformation  – Gregory C. Chow 

  7. Reform and development strategy  – Justin Yifu Lin and Zhongkai Shen 

  8. The complex task of evaluating China’s economic reforms  – Dwight H. Perkins 

  9. Decentralisation, local innovation and competition among cities – David Dollar 

    Part II: Macroeconomic development and structural adjustments

  10. China’s macroeconomics in the 40 years of reform  – Xiaolu Wang 

  11. China’s economic rebalancing: Drivers, outlook and the role of reform – Guonan Ma, Ivan Roberts and Gerard Kelly 

  12. China’s price liberalisation and market reform: A historical perspective  – Zhang Jun 

  13. How has the Chinese economy capitalised on the demographic dividend during the reform period?  – Cai Fang 

  14. Marketisation in China from 1997 to 2014: Achievements and contribution to growth  – Fan Gang, Guangrong Ma and Xiaolu Wang 

  15. An update on fiscal reform  – Christine Wong 

  16. ‘Strong on quantity, weak on quality’: China’s financial reform between 1978 and 2018  – Yiping Huang and Xun Wang

  17. The reform of China’s exchange rate regime  – Yongding Yu 

  18. Private sector development  – Nicholas Lardy 

  19. State-owned enterprise reform in China: Past, present and prospects  – Ligang Song 

  20. State enterprise reform today – Barry Naughton 

    Part III: The development experiences

  21. Rural-to-urban migration and migrants’ labour market performance, 2008–16 – Bob Gregory and Xin Meng 

  22. The structure of and changes to China’s land system  – Shouying Liu

  23. New urbanisation in China: A multidimensional perspective—Empirical analysis of 289 prefecture and higher-level cities – Biliang Hu and Kunling Zhang 

  24. China’s 40 years of agricultural development and reform – Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle 

    Part IV: Energy and climate change

  25. Energy price reform in China  – ZhongXiang Zhang 

  26. The evolution and transformation of China’s climate change response strategy: From preventing ‘black swan’ events to reducing ‘grey rhino’ risks – Jiahua Pan 

    Part V: Trade, investment and global integration

  27. China and the global trading system: Then and now  – Peter Drysdale and Samuel Hardwick 

  28. China’s foreign trade: Reform, performance and contribution to economic growth  – Kunwang Li and Wei Jiang 

  29. The liberalisation of FDI policies and the impacts of FDI on China’s economic development – Chunlai Chen 

  30. Outward direct investment: Restricted, relaxed and regulated stages of development  – Bijun Wang and Kailin Gao 

  31. A US perspective on China’s external economic disputes in the past 40 years and in the coming 40 years – Wing Thye Woo


  • https://press.anu.edu.au/node/4267/download

  • http://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/n4267/pdf/book.pdf?referer=4267




